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ir/rational redux

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Argue the toss in a twisted tale of logic…

In ir/rational you complete, create and discredit arguments by selecting propositions and filling in the blanks. It’s a puzzle game based on propositional logic, and a graphic adventure all in one – only here you don’t so much need to escape the room as prove why you’d even want to.

– Unique, language-based argument system: formulate logical proofs to progress through the game

– Dark philosophical comedy by Tom Jubert, writer of Penumbra, Driver: San Francisco and FTL.

– 10 screens and roughly half an hour of intelligent, challenging and inventive gameplay

– Musical score by award-winning composer Mikko Tarmia

My website: www.tomjubert.com
My narrative design blog, Plot is Gameplay’s Bitch: blog.tomjubert.com – Click to progress story
– Complete the arguments by selecting options from the drop-down menus

NB Some systems don’t display all the dropdown options at once, and you have to use the arrow keys to scroll.

If you can’t see the right answer, chances are you can resolve the problem with the arrow keys. Hope it’s not dampened your enthusiasm!

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