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Intergalactic Battles

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Intergalactic Battles is a real-time-strategy game where you build a variety of space fighters to capture planets and defeat the enemy. There is a wide range of maps to play on, large and small, fighting up to 3 intelligent AI opponents. At your repertoire is a large number of fighter classes available to build for some intense Intergalactic Battles! Go through tutorials 1, 2 and 3 for in depth instructions on the game.

Basic Controls are:

-Use the W, A, S and D keys to move UP, LEFT, DOWN and RIGHT through the universe.
-Scroll the mouse wheel (or hold down keys E and Q) to zoom in and out of the universe.

Controlling ships
-Hold down SHIFT, whilst clicking down and dragging the mouse to select ships and planets.
-Click to send selected ships to the position of the cursor and deselect the group.
-If you click while holding shift, the ships will be sent to the spot you clicked while remaining selected.
-Press the space bar to deselect all selected ships

Build Ships
-Click the build ships button in the top right hand corner to bring up the „Build Ships“ menu

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