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Dr. Vile in The Greater Good

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*** 2ND PLACE in Ludum Dare 25’s Jam competition! 😀 ***
*** Made in just 72 hours! ***

Dr. Vile, the most despised mad scientist in the world, has one mission in life: become #1. He’ll do whatever it takes to win the respect and adoration of every person on Earth – even if he has to KILL EVERY PERSON ON EARTH.

Take Dr. Vile and his AI companion, Lexe, on a quest to build the most powerful Death Ray mankind has ever seen. Will Dr. Vile use it for good or will the villain always be the villain? – Use the arrow keys to move Dr. Vile.
– Press X to swing your bat (perfect weapon for an evil genius, eh?). Your bat can bash objects – such as trees, cars, TVs, and more – that will break into the parts you need to complete the Death Ray. Use your bat to break the skulls of any pesky townspeople, too!
– Press C to use your Stun Gun. This will temporarily stun townspeople (probably why it’s called a Stun Gun). It does have a cooldown period, though!
– Press SPACE BAR to open/close the Inventory menu and see what parts you need to complete the Death Ray. This also pauses the game.
– Try not to die or you’ll have to start over! Collect Apples and Leftover Steak to regain health.

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